POS 101: Introduction to Politics (3 credits) Core
The nature of Politics and Political Science; Political Science Art or Science? Concepts in the study of politics; state, society and nation, power, influence and authority, constitutions and constitutionalism; political ideologies; types and systems of government; change and revolution.
POS 102: Introduction to African Politics (3 Credits) Core
Politics in pre-colonial Africa. The colonization of Africa, colonial policies and politics, Nationalist struggles, Pan Africanism and decolonization: neo-colonialism; praetorianism. The OAU
POS 103: Nigerian Constitutional Development (3 Credits) Core
Historical background to the use of constitutions in Nigeria. Analysis of Nigerian Constitutions from the Clifford to the 1999 Constitutions. The politics of Nigerian constitutions.
POS 104: World Politics (3 Credits) Core
This course looks at major events in contemporary international politics. It also focuses on issues that led to the emergence of the United Nations Organizations, the Cold War, colonialism, imperialism and the politics of decolonization, the Cuban missile crisis and the Middle East crisis.
HIS 101: Foundation of Nigerian History 1 (3 Credits) Core
This course is designed to introduce students to the major themes in Nigerian History such as the purpose and meaning of historical studies as well as the nature and significance of source materials for the study of Nigerian history, the earliest evidence of man and society in Nigeria, the revolution of the various people and culture groups, human settlements, the development of mini and mega states, and the various changes involved up to C1500 A.D. The changes and interactions that took place within and between the various groups and communities in Nigeria and the rest of Africa and Europe down to C1800 A.D. are also examined.
HIS 102: Foundation of Nigerian History II (3 Credits) Core
The course begins with an examination of the major historical changes of the 19th Century, the Sokoto Jihad, the collapse of the Alafinate and the Civil Wars in Yoruba land, the political crises in the Niger Delta and South-Western Nigeria; and, the rise of new settlements and groups. It then continues with an examination of the intensification of European contact with Nigeria in the 19th Century. This is followed by a critical examination of European imperialism in the last 3 decades of the 19th century and the eventual conquest and domination of Nigeria, including a critical assessment of the Nigerian response on this. The course ends with an examination of the issues relating to the struggle for independence and the post-independence economic and political crisis up to the present.
THA 105: Basic Communication (3 Credits) Core
The course would introduce students to basic communication concepts and skills. This will include definition, types of communication and their practice in selected societies.
BUS 101 Introduction to Business (3 credits) core
The course introduction to business is designed to broaden the mental capacities of students on the fundamental variables that affect and ultimately influence the operation of business in Nigeria. The course is divided into two broad areas namely; Foundation of business and Social responsibility of business.
POS 201: Nigerian Politics 1 (2 credits) Core
Politics in pre-colonial Nigeria, the colonization of Nigeria, the emergence of nationalist movements and agitations for independence; the emergence of political parties; feature in constitutional development.
POS 202: Nigerian Politics II (2 credits) Core
Issues in Nigerian Politics: Federalism, Ethnicity, the National question; If the politics of revenue allocation; the military in politics.
POS 203: Introduction to Political Analysis (2 credits) Core
The nature of politics; types of political systems; the relationship between regime-types and political efficacy; political culture; analytical approaches to the study of politics.
POS 204: Introduction to International Relations (2 Credits) – Core
What is International Relations? International relations or international politics, features and structures of the international system determinants of inter-state relations; regional organizations, concepts and theories of international relations.
POS 205: Introduction to Public Administration (2 Credits) Core
Definition and scope of Public Administration; administration and its environment; administrative behavior in various institutional settings; politics and administration; the civil service.
POS 206: Political Ideas (2 Credits) Core
Major Political Ideas from Plato to Karl Marx Liberalism, Democracy, Socialism, Justice, Equality, etc.
POS 207: Foundations of Political Economy (2 Credits) Core
What is political economy? Relationship between politics and economics, state and economy, class and power relations, underdevelopment and dependency.
POS 208: Citizenship and the State (2 Credits) Core
Theoretical approaches to citizen and state relationships, duties and obligations in citizen, state relations, citizenship in Nigeria. The concept and origin of the State will be discussed, settlers versus indigene question, religious/communal clashes, and skirmishes, power rotation, federal character etc.
POS 209: Introduction to Local Government (2 Credits) – Core
This course is aimed at introducing students to the broad system of local government administrative institutions and processes. Areas to be covered include the legal status of local government, local government autonomy, and local government finance. Local government finance looks at promoting grassroots participation, mass mobilization and community development.
POS 210: Introduction to Comparative Politics (2 Credits) Core
The course provides a survey of the major approaches to the study of comparative politics. Issues to be covered include political structures, values and institutions within the context of case studies. The course will also explore issues such as the social and economic context of politics, patterns of political legitimation, socialization, and the role of public opinion in different political systems.
HIS 204: African in the 20th Century (3credits) Core
An examination of the state of Africa by the beginning of the 20th Century, especially its status as colonial possession and the implications; economic, cultural, and political. The study then proceeds with an examination of the decolonization process, and the attainment of independence through constitutional bargaining and armed liberation struggle.
HIS 205: Economic History of Nigeria in the 19th Century (3credits) Core
A survey of the major units and institutions of production, distribution, and their impact. The interaction and interconnection between economic activities and politics are also examined.
FSS 201: Introduction to Statistics I (2credits) Core
Statistics for Social Science is to equip student in the Social Science and Political Science as the case maybe with tools for collecting, analyzing and interpreting data. To this effect, the course will expose student to issues such as frequency distribution, tables, types of data and method of data collection, measurement of central tendency and dispersion, elementary theories of probability, binomial, normal and poison probability distribution.
FSS 202: introduction to Statistics II (2credits) Core
The course is a continuation of FSS 201 with the same aims and objective. Students are exposed to topics such as principles of statistical sampling, normal, binomial and poison distribution, chi-square, distribution, regression and correlation analysis, hypothesis testing Z,T and student test and time series.
POS 301: History of Political Thought 1 (2 Credits) Core
Introduction to the thoughts of major political writers from Plato to J.5. Mill, examining theories as responses to particular historical problems confronting societies; contribution to such concepts as the state, law, obligation, justice and freedom.
POS 302: History of Political Thought II (African) (2 Credits) Core
Traditional political ideas; concepts of authority, order and the policy; Pan-Africanism and other core issues linking the indigenous and contemporary African political thinking; examination of concepts such as African socialism, humanism and authenticity.
POS 303: Logic and Methods of Political Enquiry (3 Credits) Core
Political Science and the scientific method, introduction to research methods in political science; the logic of political enquiry and the language of variables; introduction to problem formation. Students are introduced to the procedures of statistical summarization of political information with specific emphasis on frequency distribution, tables, graphs and basic inferential statistics.
POS 304: Public Policy Analysis (3 Credits) Core
Major models of policy-making, including incrementalism; nationalism, pluralist and elitism. Selected areas of public policy. Concepts and strategies of policy formulation and planning; programming and budgeting; basic techniques of network construction and analysis examined descriptively and from the perspective of public administration systems; policy monitoring and evaluation to include cost effectiveness, analysis and critique.
POS 305: Political Data Analysis (3 Credits) Core
The course identifies political data, the tools and mechanism for the analysis of such data and the methods and modes of analysis
POS 306: Politics of Development and Underdevelopment. (3 Credits) Elective
A systematic and theoretical study of the political and socio-economic context of the problems of development and underdevelopment; dependency, international and internal economic structures, analysis of profound change; agents of change; constraints and problems contingent in rapid socio-economic change, with specific reference to post-colonial African states; comparison with developmental issues in Latin America and Asian countries.
POS 307: Contemporary Political Analysis (3 Credits) Elective
Contending paradigms in political analysis. Development of micro and macro analysis such as psychological analysis, systems, cybernetics political development theories and modernization.
POS 308: Government and Administration of Urban System (3 Credits) Elective
The problems involved in the planning and execution of major services in urban political system; an examination of the structure of political power operating in such systems.
POS 309: Comparative Federalism (2 Credits) Elective
The genesis and political dynamics of federal political systems emphasizing the theory, practice and suitability of federal system to the solution of the problems of nation-building. Modernization; economic development and representation with reference to countries such as India, the USSR, USA, Canada and Nigeria.
POS 310: Theory and Practice of Marxism (2 Credits) Elective
The theoretical underpinnings of Marxism and expounded by the fathers of Marxism; Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Lenin, Mao Tse Tung and by contemporary Marxists such as Paul Barau, Sweezy, Louis Althuser, Paul Autas, Amin etc. We also look at attempts at the implementation of the theory in the administration of so-called socialist states.
POS 311: Theories of International Relations (3 Credits) Elective
Classical theory, theory of imperialism, systems theories, linkage politics, the theory of coalition and alliances, models, games and simulation.
POS 312: Political Behavior (2 credits) Core
Political socialization, political participation and apathy; electoral behavior, public opinion and political communication and community power.
POS 313: International Economic Relations (3 Credits) Elective
The course underlines the economic basis of some of the actions and reactions in international politics, drawing materials from international trade, commercial policy, capital movements, etc. Role of IMF, World Bank and other monetary agencies, multinational enterprises and National Power; Theory of unequal exchange and the North/South problem; the Economic theory of National Boundaries. Customs Unions and Currency Areas.
POS 314: Advanced Public Administration (3 Credits) Elective
The course undertakes a detailed examination and analysis of the policy formulation and implementation process in state with particular reference to Nigeria. The role played by elected representatives, bureaucrats, specialized agencies, interest groups, political parties and other groups are examined. The course deals comparatively with problems associated with administration of Nigeria as a federation under themes relating to fiscal arrangements and policies, state-federal administrative arrangements, control and management of the public services, inter-state cooperation and conflict resolution mechanisms. Administrative communications, management by objective, budgeting and planning are some of the functions of public administrations that are also studied. The political and administrative aspects of the principal public services including defence and public corporations, the problem of public accountability and political control are discussed. The relationship between ethics and the public service and the status of administration within a political system are examined.
POS 401: Nigerian Local Government (3 Credits) Elective
The History of the development of local government in Nigeria from the colonial era till present day. The nature of local government administration; the 1976 local government reforms; the Dasuki Report and contemporary changes in the local government system of administration.
POS 402: State and Economy (3 Credits) Core
Theoretical exposition on the nature of state/society relations; empirical manifestations of state-society relations in developed and underdeveloped societies based on comparative analysis. Emergence of state and its implications to society.
POS 403: Politics and Law in Africa (3 Credits) Core
A comparative examination of the inter-relationship between law and politics in African countries. We also look at the concept of law; how it has emerged and how it has become institutionalized. Secondly, judicial processes which translate the abstract law into concrete policies and institutions are analyzed and examined in terms of whose interest is served. Finally, we look at the development of judicial processes in Africa from the pre-colonial, colonial and the contemporary era.
POS 404: International Law and Organization (3 Credits) Elective
The growth of law in several areas of increasing international concern. Environmental protections; exploration; outer space; individual rights and obligations; conservation of resources, state responsibility and terrorism.
POS 405: Comparative Public Administration (3 Credits) Elective
The development, hopes and problems of comparative public administration as a field of study. Analysis of principal models in the study of comparative public administration. Examination and administration processes in some selected countries with special emphasis on such theories as the role of higher civil servants; administration of economic development; recruitment; training; public accountability and reform.
POS 406: Revolution and Society (2 Credits) Elective
Theories of revolution and political violence. Patterns of revolutionary political action such as Coup D’état, guerilla warfare, riots, civil disobedience, resistance, terrorism and the erosion of government authority. Regime-inspired violence in selected countries and consequences of revolutionary political action is also a point of focus in this course.
POS 407: Political Sociology (3 Credits) Elective
The course looks at the social and cultural contents of political action. It looks at socio-political concepts such as power, rule, authority, class and their linkages. It also looks at elite theories as propounded by Mosca, Pareto etc. and finally examines the sociology of power in third world societies.
POS 408: Political Parties and Pressure Groups (3 Credits) Elective
What are political parties and pressure groups? How do they differ and what are their similarities? What role do political parties and pressure groups play in the politics of any society? Finally how do they differ and relate with other political groups in the society?
POS 409: Research Project (6 Credits) Core
This involves research work based on supervision. Students are assigned to professors who will supervise their projects; the finished work is subjected to external moderation examination. The topics of research work by students should focus on issues in the core fields of political science
POS 410: The Military in Politics (3 Credits) Core
Areas to be explored in this course are; Inter-dependence of civil regime and military establishment and military factors in the foundation of states. The changing role of the military in modern politics focusing on the political, social, economic and military precipitants of military rule; evaluation of the performance of military/civil relations; stability and instability. The military as a class; politics within the military.
POS411: Third World and Dependency (3 Credits) Core
The course examines and analyzes the concept of dependency, looks at the mechanisms that make for dependency and examines the effects of the dependent status of third world societies in the global political economy and its implications for politics and society in the third world.
POS 412: Development Administration (3 Credits) Core
The course places focus on the nature of underdevelopment. Specific problems of less developed countries. National cultures and political and administrative systems. The giving of development assistance; type of foreign aid; problems of working with aid givers. Problems of the transfer of administrative capability from one country to another. Political and administrative development, unilateral and multilateral approaches. The role of the innovators and strategies of administrative development.
POS 413: Public Financial Management (2Credits) Elective
Basic concepts in public finance; principles of financial management; banking, budgeting, borrowing assessment, organization, treasury management and debt collection, presentation and distribution of public funds with the coordination of public revenues and expenditures. Problems of auditing and financial accountability. Inter-governmental financial relations.
POS 414: Public Personnel Administration (3 Credits) Core
Man and work in industrial context. Nature and scope of personnel administration, distinguishing characteristics of public personnel system, a study of the evolution of public personnel administration in Nigeria since independence and an analysis of key issues as representativeness in recruitment and selection; motivation, efficiency and production; discipline and labor relations.
POS 415: Nigerian Foreign Policy (3 Credits) Elective
Basic principles underlying Nigerian Foreign Policy, major factors; internal and external shaping of the foreign policy of Nigeria. The making of Nigerian foreign policy; the input and output. The role of foreign service and federal executive in the process. The role of Nigeria regionally, continentally and internationally.
POS 416: Defence and Strategic Studies (3 Credits) Elective
The evolution, scope and necessity for strategic studies. Strategic concepts and doctrines since World War II. The impact of military technology on strategic relations between states. Strategic rivalry, deterrence and responses to the problem of military means. Defence doctrines of NATO, WARSAW and the major powers. Defence as a strategic concept; defence, deterrence and disarmament.
POS 417: International Politics of Mass Communication (3 Credits) Elective
Features of contemporary world information order. The political economy of mass communication. The stage for a new world information order and implications in politics.