Course Descriptions NEWS & UPDATES

PUB 101:      Introduction to Public Administration I

An introduction to the discipline of Public Administration focuses on the basic concepts of Public Administration, the importance of Public Administration, the differences and similarities between Public Administration and Business Administration, Schools, and conceptual approaches to the study of Public Administration.  The goal model, systems model, decision-making model, the classical model, human relations model, sociological model, Public Administration, and other social sciences, Forms of control over Administration.

PUB 103:      Mathematics for Public Administration I

Mathematics and symbolic logic are inductive and deductive, the concept of sets.  Mapping and transformation, Introduction to complex numbers, introduction to vectors, matrix and determinants, Discrete and continuous variables, and straight lines in various forms.

PUB 102:      Introduction to Public Administration II

A continuation of PUB 101.  It involves classifications or typologies of organizations.  Principles of organization, Hierarchy, authority, Delegation, Coordination, Communication, supervision, and Span of control.  Bureaucracy: nature, strengths, and weaknesses.  Features of the ideal type of Bureaucracy, Meaning of Civil Service, functions of Civil Service, and the role of Civil Service. International Public Administration and its relationship with domestic Public Administration.

PUB 104:      Mathematics for Public Administration II

A continuation of PUB 103.  It includes circles, trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, and exponential functions.  Maxima and minimal points of reflexion, integral calculus.  Integration by substitution and parts.  Expansion of algebraic functions, simple sequences and series.

PUB 106:      Introduction to Political Science

Nature, scope and uses of Political Science.  Politics defined; Political Science and other Social Sciences.  Major concepts of Political Science e.g. Nation, State, Sovereignty etc. Uses of Political Science, Nature and function of government; Organs of government; types of government,  Government and law; constitutions,  nature and types of rule of law, nature, assumptions and breaches, nature of delegated legislation, advantages and disadvantages.  Discretionary power, specification of powers, political parties:  nature and theories.  Nature and types of electoral systems, ideologies of government, dynamics of government and politics, uses and abuses of state power, strategies for political control. International Relations, foreign policy: nature and functions.

PUB 201:      Statistics for Public Administration I

Nature of statistics, statistical inquiries: form and design.  The role of statistics, basic concepts in statistics, Discrete and continuous variables, functional relationships, sources of data, methods of collecting primary data.  Presentation of statistical data, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, moments, Skewness and Kurtosis.

PUB 211:      Nigerian Government and Administration

Review of the history of Nigerian Administration from earliest times through the colonial era to the present time.  A study of the machinery of government (at the Federal, State and Local levels), and an analysis of the Administrative process with emphasis on problems posed by the operation of a Federal system of government.  The existence of so many public enterprises.  The structure of Nigerian Civil Service, civil servants and the public relationship before independence and relationship after independence.  Civil service reforms, corruption in Nigerian Public Administration.

PUB 209:      Office Management I

The office and the organization.  The essentials of office training in basic skills and new techniques.  It starts by asking questions about the World Bank and the place of office within it.  Each of the skills needed by the students is then discussed in logical order; with emphasis on improving practical ability.  Other topics in this course include:  Communication (verbal and written), stationery and equipment handling and management.  Mails and money, methods of payment.  Production/operations, sales and marketing, purchasing, account, personnel and pay roll management.  Office services, getting and keeping an office job.

PUB 213:     Introduction to International Relations

What is International Relations?  International Relations or International Politics?  Features and structures of International system, determinants of Inter-state relations. Modern diplomacy and foreign policy.  Regional organizations.  Concepts and theories of International relations, Multi-national Corporations and Trans-National Corporations.

PUB 202:      Statistics for Public Administration II

Elementary probability distribution, normal binomials, poison and hyper geometrics.  Elementary sampling theory, estimation theory, students’ distribution, statistical decision theory, tests of hypothesis for small and large samples, chi-square distribution and test of goodness of fit.  Linear regression.  Correlation theory, index numbers, time series and analysis of time series.  Analysis of variance and regression.

PUB 216:      Elements of Government

Nature of politics, society and social organization.  The state, the problem of law, constitution and constitutionalism, political ideology.  The classical heritage: Plato, Aristotle, and Pax romanica, revolt towards the Mass man.  Organs of government (national Governmental Institutions), Public Administration, Political parties and pressure groups, Public opinion and propaganda, Elections, and International order.

PUB 210:      Office Management II

Management Services, office service, writing of business and official letters concerning orders, enquiries complaints and claims, circulars,  letters and memoranda, report and report writing, speech writing and presentation.  Writing applications and replying to applications, minuting and noting, organizing meetings and procedures/protocols.  Official expressions and observations in the Nigerian public and private services.  Getting and keeping an office job.  Learning about opportunities, making contacts with employers, completing an application form, attending an interview, completing a test, getting the job and finding your way around.

PUB 305:      Public Personnel Administration I

Introduction to Personnel Administration, meaning, objectives, functions of Personnel Administration.  Personnel Management Principles, approaches to Personnel Management.  Position classification, line and staff organization structure, personnel policies, recruitment procedures and processes, advancement, training and development, promotion, job evaluation systems.  Employees conduct and discipline.  Incentive systems, job analysis, manpower planning and employee services programme.

PUB 307:      Introduction to Local Government

This course is aimed at introducing students to the broad concept of Local Government, Administrative Institutions and processes.  Areas to be covered include the meaning, types and functions of Local Government, significance and role of Local Government.  The legal status of Local Government, Local Government autonomy and finance.  Others include Local Government functions such as promoting grassroot participation, mass mobilization and community development, typologies of Local Government system and the philosophical bases for Local Government.

PUB 311:      Administrative Thought

This course revolves around the evolution of management thought and the contribution of the following selected management thinkers: F.W. Taylor’s principles of scientific management, Henri Fayol’s focus on the job of the executive, Weberian Bureaucratic model, Gulick & Urwick’s functions of the chief executive, Elton Mayor’s human relations approach to organizational dynamics, Mary Parker Follet’s radical views on the philosophy and processes of administrative system, Chris Argri’s integration of the individual and the organization, Herbert.  Simon’s analysis of administrative behaviour and Fred Rigg’s sociological approach to administration.

PUB 313:      Administrative Law

Introduction to Administrative Law,  Administrative processes, purposes of government, separation of powers, legislation, delegated legislation, redress of grievances;  Public corporations, discretionary powers administrative control and remedies, administrative rule making and case studies.

PUB 315:     Political Economy

Theoretical concepts such as mode of production, social formation, social classes, the state, commodity plus value price, exploitation, the organic composition of capital, the law of falling profits germane to the study of political economy.

PUB 319:      Inter-Governmental Relations

Federalism, models and theories.  An examination of the relationship between the Federal/State, State/State, State/Local, Local/Local and Federal/Local relations.  The role of the National Council on inter-governmental relations.  Fiscal relationship between the three tiers of government.

PUB 306:      Public Personnel Administration II

A continuation of PUB 305, it involves wages and salary administration, workman compensation, safety and health programmes, employees integration, industrial relations e.g. collective bargaining, trade disputes, grievances and grievance procedures and trade unionism in Nigeria.  It will also include employees separation/retirement, pension and gratuity.

PUB 310:      Research Methods

Skills of scientific investigation, information gathering, analysis and interpretations in dealing with organizational behaviour and problems in Nigeria.  The art of problem identification and analysis, data gathering, analysis and report writing.

PUB 312:       Rural and Community Development

This course will focus on the meaning and definition of concepts, Development, Rural Area, Rural Development, and Community Development.  Theories of rural and community development, approaches to rural and community development, processes and practices of community development.  Mobilization and strategies for community development.  The role of community development in National programmes in countries like Tanzania, China and Sudan will be discussed.  Rural development programmes in Nigeria: DFRRI, Better Life for Rural Women, People’s Bank, Operations Feed the Nation, FEAP, NAPEP. Etc.

PUB 318:      Traditional Administrative Systems in Nigeria

State formations.  Early history of Nigeria and cultures in detail.  Migration and formation of centralized institutions.  Hausa States, Kanem Borno, Yoruba States Benin, Oyo etc. and Administration in these States.  Formation of a cephalous groups East and West of the Niger Delta, North and South of the Benue Administration within these groups.  Pre-colonial and post-colonial, Local government reforms 1976, 1984, Etsu-Nupe Local Government Reform.

GST 301:     Entrepreneurial Development

Entrepreneurial theories.  Interpersonal or personal characters and behavioral traits of entrepreneurs, financial aspects of entrepreneurship in which business success is most commonly reflected.  External aspect of entrepreneurship.

PUB 320:     Organization And Administrative Theory

Origins, structure and management of organization. Formal and informal organizations.  The impact of informal norms on formal organization, organizations, theories, coordination, efficiency, retrenchment and growth.  Motivation, leadership, communication and dynamics of change in organization.  The concept of Administration, its emergence, complexity and maintenance, efficiency in Public Administration, Politics and Administration dichotomy.  Decentralization, de-concentration and devolution, delegation, conflict resolution, strategies, leadership and innovation, communication skills.

PUB 314:     Administrative Behavior

Concept of Administrative behaviour, Decision Making and Organization, some problems of Administrative theory, facts and values in decision-making, rationality in administrative organization, the relevance of information technology to organizational design, selected preparations, the birth of an organization, problems of organizational design, personality development, organizational change, frustration, stress, conflict and leadership.

PUB 316:     Public Finance

An introduction to the principles of Public Finance.  The subject matter and methodology of Public Finance, Sector and expenditures.  Reasons for increase in governmental expenditures.  Public Revenue: types and sources, public debt: external and internal.  Taxation and incidence of tax.  Inter-governmental fiscal relation.

PUB 409:      Social And Welfare Administration

Nature and development of social policy in the context of changing Nigeria social conditions, and of the impact upon family and group organization and the implication on development.  Welfare policies and social services.  The following specialized areas will be discussed, poverty, criminology, policies and problems in education, housing, health, provision of food and shelter.

PUB 411:     Theory and Practice Of Planning

Planning, its meaning and nature, basic features of planning, various approaches and theories of planning.  Socialist and capitalist planning, factors that determines the choice and success of planning.  Manpower and strategic planning, annual plans and budget.  The planning process and administration of development plans.

PUB 415:     Public Policy Making and Analysis

Nature and complexity of public policy making, implementation and evaluation.  Evolution and ecology.  Theories of public policy.  Basic concepts like; plan policy, programme, project, actors and stakeholders, policy arena etc are defined and illustrated.  The main body of the course is divided into two sections.  Section 1 covers the theoretical aspect of the course including the following; policy cycle, agenda setting in policy formulation, formal and informal ways of generating policy and relevant ideas.  Section 2 covers policy implementation, analysis and evaluation and Case studies.

PUB 412:     Development Administration

Meaning and nature of Development Administration, Ecology of development Administration, relationship between Development, Administration and Public Administration.  Theories of Development Administration.  Meaning and nature of underdevelopment, Specific problems of less developed countries (LDCs).  National cultures and political and administrative systems.  The giving of development assistance, types of foreign aids.  Problems of working with aid givers, problems of the transfer of administrative capability from one country to another, Political and Administrative Development.  Unilateral and Multilateral approaches.  The role of the innovators and Development Planning.  Sources of financing development programmes and the role of the state in development programmes.  National development planning, indicators of development and bureaucracy and national development.

PUB 405:      Nigerian Local Government

The history of the development of local government in Nigeria from colonial era to the present day.  The nature of Local Government Administration, the 1976 Local Government reforms, the Dasuki report and contemporary changes in the Local Government system of Administration, and subsequent reforms/reviews.

PUB 407:      Project Management and Evaluation

The meaning and nature of project management and evaluation, project development stages, project management approaches, project management triangles, concept of public projects and dimensions of project cycle, techniques of project evaluation.  Project appraisal and analysis.  Assessment of project profitability, cash flow dimensions, analysis of risk and uncertainty.  Project Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT).  Project implementation and assessment of social profitability.

PUB 416:     Comparative Public Administration

Concept and the evolution of comparative public administration.  Cross national study of public administration both in emerging and developed states.  Structures and functions of bureaucracies in these states.

PUB 418:     Public Enterprise Management

Objectives and classifications of public enterprises in Nigeria.  Organization and problems.  Performance measurement and control.  Capital structure and funding.  The relationship between State and Federal Parastatals.  Detailed consideration of commissioned reports on Parastatals.  Current trends in public sector management, Public Enterprises reforms: privatization, commercialization, management contract, etc.  Their impact on public sector services delivery.

PUB 420:     Public Financial Management

Environmental and distinguishing characteristics of government and institutional accounting.  State and Local government organization for financial management, special methods of accounting within the legal and financial constraints for local government, Hospitals and  state owned companies, planning in the public sector, planning programming, Accounting and the Budget process, problems of developing output.  Measure and quantification of effectiveness, control reporting and auditing in the public sector, accountability to the electorate.

PUB 490:     Research Project

This is a practical research investigation undertaken by graduating students as part of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Science Degree, B.Sc (Hons) Public Administration.  The focus of research topics must be relevant to the field of Administration and Management.  Students should explore current trends in the field with a view to responding to the changing dimensions of contemporary Public Administration.