Course Descriptions eTutors Facilitators NEWS & UPDATES

Check below to copy your official email address. If you could not find yours on the list, endeavor to contact the school to access yours.

After retrieving your Email Details, visit this LINK to login

Your password is uniabuja in small letter

To JOIN the Virtual Classes at the appropriate Day and Time, follow the STEPS below:

1: Download and Install GOOGLEMEET on your internet device either from Google Play store or Apple Store.

2: Ensure you login to your official email account on your device. Contact us if you do not have yours as a student.

3: Check through the Virtual Class Timetable to access the Course you want to JOIN as well as the Day, Time and the LINK.

4: Click on the CLASS LINK directly under the Course want to join.

5: This will trigger your installed GOOGLEMEET, Select the Logged-in official Email Address.

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