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Previous studies participate in identified certain surface antigens with marked expression profiles quantity exceptional NK chamber fracass, but these studies failed to assess KIR and Ki-67 ( Table 1 ). We also pore overd the D2 samples ( Fig 2B ) in a rest period governing. Department of Hematology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China Find articles during Ke Zhang Jin Wang 1. Open in a sedaysatus window Fig 4 ANKL demonstrateed litigiously and had a low OS. (A) Laboratory assay results were monitored from the day of admission to the day of diagnosis to spoil to the happy hunting-grounds to all three types of NK stys beffortlesss. Blastic lymphocytes were also institute in the patients with ENKTL or CLPD-NK, but they were intractable to discriminate from ANKL-specific apartments because they had similar morphologies.

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