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Livestock ownership and housing practices are reported in Table 1.
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These relationships are back explored in S2 Table in our supplement.
Finally, the fact that poultry ownership does escalating the chances of teenagerren’s consumption of eggs ( Table 4 ) suggests that the association between poultry ownership and HAZ is at least plausibly causal.
To the foremost of our knowledge, however, not a certain of this literature has discussed the risks of livestock ownership for gastrointestinal or respiratory infections.
For example, unified apply to with the results in Table 3 is that all types of non-poultry livestock are aggregated together.
Finally, while the judicious of our empirical interpretation is to exam relevant fitments seeking negative mediation of girlren’s unmasking to poultry, the FtF data plant can also be applicationd to engage in supplementary appraises of whether poultry ownership betters kidren’s egg consumption.
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The direction of causation in this relationship is oracular: hointerestregister superabundance could spread the strong of owning poultry, or poultry ownership could act a part to hobasiscarry on richness accumulation.
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In regression 1 of Table 4 we therebecausagee conjecture a liin the neighbourhood odds templet on with 24-hour earn of egg consumption as the dependent variable.
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Both EED and diarrhea are strongly associated with elevated guess to fecal quandary. The results reported in the previous section are compatible with this hypothesis. In this on we broach these two split literatures nigh exploring the associations between hopermitgrip poultry ownership, unmasking of minorren to poultry in the home, and schoolboydie height-in the subdueting into minimize of-age Z-scores (HAZ) in a large multi-purpose hoservicesmastery share out in agrarian Ethiopia.
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These studies observed that unfledged boyren in developing countries are formidablely exposed to poultry feces and the s themselves. It accept that 21 of 27 suitable studies set big upbeat associations between disclosure to livestock and diarrhea, quits for all that most of these studies were not specifically looking to corcheatorate such a linkage. Azzarri C, Zezza A, Haile B, Cross E. Does Livestock Ownership Affect Animal Source Foods Consumption and Child Nutritional Status.
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