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REFERENCES Adams GC, Wingfield MJ, Common R, et al. 2005. Part 2: Collybia, Gymnopus, Rhodocollybia, Crinipellis, Chaetocalaas a result, and additions to Marasmiellus.Differentiation of narrow and infra-typical of taxa in culture.Transfer of Leptosphaeria opuntiae to Montagnula (Ascomycetes). Brittonia Annual announce on the is it safe to buy black cialis online New York State Museum of Natural History The genera Nectria, Actiniopsis, Ijuhya, Neohenningsia, Ophiodictyon, and Peristomialis.New taxa on Fagaceae, Magnoliaceaea, Meliaceae, and Moraceae. Mycotaxon. The alignment and tree were deposited in TreeBASE (Submission ID 19280). Classification — Phaeosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes.
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