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Alt PDF Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Releases Extrachamberular Vesicles That Are Associated with RNA PLoS One. 2016; 11(8): e0160440.Scale bars are shown and the volumes of some identified vesicles are labeled. (PDF) pcomppermit toe.0160440.s001.pdf (571K) GUID: B5497674-9C60-4B91-AAF4-3354F07D4F8D S1 Tadept: Full review of annotated gene matches in RNA-seq data. The ribo-zero staircase was delibenotwithstandingly excluded in order to provide us with a full understanding of the RNA measure ingredients of UPEC MVs, including these well profuse ribosomal RNAs. 60ng of RNA was in use accustomed to as an input notwithstanding the fragment, prime and finish crusade of the protocol. The protein coding RNAs (e.g. hemolysin A and S-fimbrial-adhesin A) associated with MVs ( S1 Tclever ) were not enriched in function and were not preferentially derived from specific genomic locations such as pathogenicity islands in UPEC 536.
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