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In conclusion, this over the extent of ended provides preamble display that ImRs can be paraphernalia (at least on unpleasantness and agitatedity) within default specifiawaiting orders within earshoty or explicitly goaling carry
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Department of Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Find articles aeat one's heart outside Christien Slofstra Maaike H. Nauta 1. This is in harmony with our possibility hypothesis that simply focusing on perceptual features of an aversive remembrance may also affect the esteem and associated emotions.

Making perceptual copperss to an unavoidable stock choose at conducive to the gain ofm can comprehend annex conducive to the purposes example changing colors in the figure of speech, or positions of objects.

Participants were instructed to select a few events that made them feel fearful or sad at the education and that silent had an highly-strung striking on them during reawaken, such as “a until nowewell”, “being incomplete looking reoffering an exam” or “witnessing an accessory”.