If you are not considered yet, it implies (1) Your application came late and might be due for Second Batch List. Or (2) You come short of the minimum requirements for the admissioRead More…
If you are not considered yet, it implies (1) Your application came late and might be due for Second Batch List. Or (2) You come short of the minimum requirements for the admissioRead More…
CHECK TO KNOW IF YOUR HAVE BEEN OFFERED AN ADMISSION ON THE FIRST BATCH LIST Now that you have successfully undergone Screening Exercise, you are henceforth expected to:Read More…
Check below to copy your official email address. If you could not find yours on the list, endeavor to contact the school to access yours. After retrieving your Email Details, visit this LINK to logRead More…
TO ACCESS LMS: Check the availability of your name, Visit LMS via https://moodle.uniabuja.edu.ng, Input your own Matric Number such as 21/204ss/001, 21/206mg/001, etc. (in small letter) as Read More…
Type your Course Code into the SEARCH colon to see the Virtual Class Date and Time. You are advised to JOIN your classes using your Official Student Email Address for unhindered access into the classeRead More…
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the UniAbuja Conversion Degree Programme for the 2020/2021 Academic Session. The programme is designed to provide those wRead More…
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the following Open and Distance Learning (ODL) undergraduate Degree programmes of the Centre for Distance Learning and CoRead More…